Invest in ‘Crypto’ with us and enjoy the benefits of trading on leading edge platform and technologies.’s network of exchanges primarily dealing with Coinbase, allows to trade in over 30 Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ether, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin etc., Our Crypto Trading experts are not just savvy of financial markets, but also on the Blockchain technologies underlying the Cryptos, this helps them make more informed trade decisions.
Cryptocurrencies (Crypto) are virtual monies that are built on a Blockchain that typically use a decentralized network to carry out secure financial transactions. Crypto Trading involves speculating on its price movements via a spread betting or CFD trading account, or buying and selling the underlying coins via an exchange. With’s investment plan you are provided benefits of trading in Crypto without owing any risk.


Shorting the Markets

24/7 Trading

Cost effectiveness

At Lutex Options , we utilize a variety of strategies and techniques to decide the best entry/exit point and timing to buy and sell Cryptocurrencies.
With the simple and logical investment plans accompanied by high and stable profit, it will simplify everyone's thinking about the online investment world and help people make money more easily in that.
Cryptocurrency brings nice income if you deal with it wisely. This e-money isn't issued by the banks, isn't regulated by the government, isn't given as a loan. All the operations are processed only in digital form, and everyone can generate cryptocurrency, or mine. No world factor can influence the development of this technology. There are just economical laws, demand and offer.
To exchange, sell or purchase cryptocurrency you need to enter any of the numerous online exchanges.The matter is that they are anonymous, and the assets there are never frozen.
When there is a big amount of news about the cryptocurrency on the Internet, the demand for it grows; at the same time, many people who want to change their lives and start earning enter the exchanges. But may of them just lose their money: you shouldn't risk in case you have no idea about the rules of the game.
What are we doing this for?
Digital currency, like a regular one, can change according to the purchase and sale rate couple times a day. To earn well by selling cryptocurrency, you need to realize that you will have to forecast possible risks and take them into consideration. Besides, you should also make analytical forecasts very accurately and regularly monitor the market.
The aim of our organization is to – establish the company where the best players with digital currency will participate. And to reach this goal, we need investments from the individuals and legal entities.
Every employee of ours has a vast experience of work and easily processes a current analysis of the currency and chooses the most beneficial conditions for the investments. The investment fund has to minimize the risks and provide a stable, daily profit for the investors with the further reinvestment of the assets gained. In other words, the investors help us to develop, and we, in our turn, provide a nice profit for the investors.